statisticsDear users of! In this section we offer you to get acquainted with the statistics obtained by scanning our clients’ projects.

Note: we present data for the last two years below.

      Number of scans:

      Bytes checked:

     number of vulnerabilities detected:
What does the data obtained tell us?
Number of proven code and the total number of scans in a single year has increased more than twice and consequently the interest to our service increased as well, which cannot but delight us.
Number of vulnerabilities detected has increased more than 5 times, that’s both good and bad.
The positive side is that the effectiveness of our scanner has significantly increased. However, the bad news is that vulnerabilities have also increased, which indicates that the hackers are also doing their job. This is confirmed by the average of vulnerability that has grown from 2.7 vulnerabilities in the project in 2011, to an impressive 6.78 in the project in 2012.
Undeniable fact is that not all the projects we examined had vulnerabilities, but, nevertheless, our data shows that about 75% of the projects, the amount of which is no less than 1 MB, had more than five vulnerabilities.
On May 1, 2012 there were 662,959,946 resources on the Internet, according to the Netcraft statistics. If we combine our data with the data from Netcraft, we can conclude the following: 497,219,959 of Internet resources have some kind of vulnerability.
Many hackers confidently (and not without a reason, unfortunately) state: “One can hack practically any site, it is just a matter of time”. However, the smarter ways of hacking, the more improved the ways of protection against them.
Perhaps someday (in the distant future) this crazy race will end and webmasters can finally exhale with relief. But it will not happen soon, if it happens at all. Currently we recommend you not to postpone the case - trust your project to our XSS and SQL injection scanner and do not give hacker a chance.
Best regards, Development Team.