Web Monitoring


XSS and SQLi Scanner

Online XSS and SQLi Scanner for PHP projects

Find Monitoring

Website monitoring, shell detector

HTML Validator

Simple HTML Validator, only unclosed tags will be checked


Find-String Utility, searching lines of code

utilitiesWhen creating a website, you often have to look for one or another piece of code in files. Especially when snapping the template. The problem can be solved if you have a shell and basic knowledge of the grep command. But it is bad if you don’t. The utility is designed for just such occasions. The operational principle of it is extremely simple. Specify which files to scan (only the file extensions, basic ones are by default). Specify the folder to be scanned (all of its subfolders are scanned). And then the string to search. Those who know regular expressions can use them in a mode for regular expressions. For example in such a way /(<a *.*?href=[\'\"]?http[s]?:\/\/.*?<\/a>)+/ you will find files that have external links. And like this - the files that have email-s / [a-z0-9 \.] + @ [A-z0-9 \.] + / I. Examples are indicative, you can write down your own expressions.

Find-Error Utility

utilitiesFind-Error Utility is designed to test PHP code for errors. You can say that it is your graphics editor that copes with this task. But using the editor you check file by file, which is for a long time, and is not even real for large projects. The utility will check your entire project at once! The only utility requirement is enabled directive display_errors = On. It is enabled in php.ini. After you enable it restart the server apache. Otherwise, the utility will display only critical errors without Warning and Notice.

Find-Port Utility

utilitiesFind-Port Utility is designed for checking open ports. It is extremely simple in use. Scanning takes seconds. If you are going to scan a remote site, you need to specify in the code of the utility the target IP address or host name (domain) in line:

    $ host = $ _SERVER ['SERVER_ADDR'];

    For example, in such a way:

    $ host = "example.com";

Service - button Find-IP


Small but usefull service find-ip . Just copy html code to your website.

Find-Link Utility

utilitiesAs we know almost all the the developers of modules, plugins and CMS, leave direct links to their sites. And sometimes it takes a long time to find external links. Find-Link script is designed for searching the external links. All you need is to copy the script file to the root directory of the site and open it in your browser. The script will show the file in which there is an external link and code. You will only need to remove it.

Utility Find-Info

utilitiesSometimes you want to check file permissions. It is very simple if there is a shell in Linux, it is done with one command:
    ls-l-R | grep "rwxrwxrwx"
    You can check out everything you need changing Rwxrwxrwx in different variations. But very many hostings have no shell, and it takes much time to view all files using FTP. So it prompted me to write a simple script for viewing rights for files and folders. This script allows you to filter the files and folders with different rights as well as change the directory for scanning.
    You may download the script  here

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